Thursday Regular Nathria Group - Signup 3-11-21


Cynemon-Tanaris Disc priest may be able to make it… but not sure yet. Out of town for the week.

Kane - dps

Prime or Arcadus


Limes and Marjaya

Jeb and Meluzia



So… probably going to be off raiding for a bit longer. My dog just had knee surgery, and is on bed rest confined to the bedroom, and he just howls non-stop if Mike or I aren’t with him. I don’t feel it’s fair to ask Mike to deal with him and the baby for 3 hours by himself so I can sit and play video games. We’ll all just hang out and be miserable together, lol. Hopefully once this is all over with I can get back into it!

Also, I’m not sure Arry might be able to start raiding again soon. Not sure if she was planning to make it this week or not, so let this be a tentative yes for her.

Maybe for Furi