Thursday (Learning) Heroic Uldir Signup 12-13-18

Ryla - Tanaris - Tank
Gradeabeef - Tanaris - DPS
Uthir - Tanaris - DPS (maybe)

Alaval - Tanaris - Heals

I will be running late since I have my final exam until 9ish EST

Tytanya - heals/dps - kil’jaeden

Maleficent- DPS- Darrowmere

I’m not going to be able to make it tonight. I have a work dinner with my manager…yee…ha…

Simraevel - Tanaris - mDPS

or Simbezo - Tanaris - Heals if needed

I just got home…if you have room, I’d love to join.

Johndarling - Dalaran - DPS